Scotica Summer 2024 Update

The snow has melted from the tops of the mountains and, as I write, I’m looking out over Highland landscapes as they’re turning more and more green. It’s pretty nice to be welcoming some warmth after a long winter, although I’m less enamoured with the return of the midgies.

Scotica Winter 2023 Update

A hard frost has set in across the hills, mist rolls through the glens, the fire rages beside me, and from the far north I hear stories of knee-deep snow.

Scotica Autumn 2023 Update

A short update this month – not because there isn’t much to talk about, quite the opposite in fact! We’ve been working round the clock on a number of projects we can’t wait to begin sharing with you over the coming months. We are were hiring! If you’re reading this, chances are we’ve closed submissions […]

Scotica Summer 2023 Update

Another quarter has flown by already, and as usual we have a lot to unpack, so let’s get down to it! The new Scotica documentary: ‘Hardangerfolk’ After several months of hush-hush, we’re delighted to be able to share the new Scotica documentary with the world: ‘Hardangerfolk’. In the winter of early 1943, 12 Norwegian resistance […]

Scotica Spring 2023 Update

Boy, do we have a lot to talk about this month! We’ve had a frosty and bright few days here at Scotica HQ. The snowdrops and crocuses are coming out in force, alleviating at last the long dullness of winter with some speckled colour. The bees are conducting their first flights of the year, rediscovering […]

Scotica Winter 2022 Update

As I type this, the first hard frosts are settling on the hills here and further north the mountains are donning their winter coat as Arctic winds scour the landscape. It’s the time of year to get the fire (or heat pump) on, settle down with an OS map and start wistfully dusting off the skis and crampons. We’ve got a few updates for you all on how work at Scotica has been going and what exciting projects lie ahead.

Scotica Autumn 2022 Update

It’s been a while since our last blog update! We’ve been so busy over the past few months it’s been the last thing on our minds – so we’re killing two proverbial birds with one stone and moving to a seasonal blog update cycle. So every three months you can look forward to getting your comprehensive Scotica news recap.

Even More Dates for ‘Small Country’!

First of all, a huge thank you to all who have been attending the Screen Machine showings of ‘Small Country’ and ‘Islands in Film’ up and down the west coast. The feedback to the film has been fantastic so far and we can’t wait for more people to have access to see it.